ACPD CAB Members

Open Board Position | Community College of Denver Student
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Open Board Position | Community College of Denver Staff
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Open Board Position | Metropolitan State University of Denver Student
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Open Board Position | Metropolitan State University of Denver Faculty
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Open Board Position | University of Colorado Denver Staff
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Cassy Cadwallader | Auraria Higher Education Center
Cassy Cadwallader is a Waste Diversion Specialist for the Auraria Sustainable Campus Program (ASCP). She is currently spearheading a campus-wide compost program and working diligently to reduce the campus carbon footprint through waste diversion, product procurement, climate action planning, and educational outreach. She also collaborates with campus partners on ASCP’s Green Events and Green Offices programs.

Otavaia Davis | Metropolitan State University of Denver

Nahum Kisner | Metropolitan State University of Denver
Nahum Kisner is the Director of Student Support and Retention for MSU Denver. Kisner has been on the Auraria Campus since 2008 and he has over 13 years of higher education experience supporting college access, retention, and degree completion for students of color. He strongly believes in the importance of building community for students and working to affirm and strengthen their salient identities while they are in college.

Charles Musiba | University of Colorado Denver
Charles Musiba is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at CU Denver. He is a Montgomery and Carnegie African Diaspora Fellow with a research focus on human origins in Africa. His work at Laetoli and Olduvai Gorge combines research and field-based teaching and explores whether combined paleontological data can successfully be used to tease out ecological interpretations of past landscapes and their impact on human evolution in East Africa.

Alexis Nakabayashi | University of Colorado Denver
Alexis Nakabayashi is majoring in Criminal Justice at CU Denver with the intent of minoring in Political Science and Business. She also serves as a court monitor intern for MADD.

Cody Phelps | Auraria Higher Educations Center
Cody Phelps is the Assistant Director of Event Support Services for the Auraria Higher Education Center.

Queen Pompee | Community College of Denver
Queen Pompee is a nursing major at CCD. She is currently serving as president of the ACPD CAB and vice president of the CCD Student Government Association. She’s involved in IELIT, the Tivoli reprogramming committee, and the Advisory Council committee. Pompee is passionate about advocating for and encouraging unity to help build a stronger community and believes that “together we can do great things.”

Rosanna Sweeney | Auraria Higher Education Center
Rosanna Sweeney is the Manager of the new Campus ID Station in the Tivoli Student Union. Previously, she worked at the Tivoli Station bookstore as the General Merchandise Manager and Apparel and Gift Buyer for over six years.

Lisa Tafoya | Community College of Denver
Lisa Tafoya is an Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice at the Community College of Denver. After serving 20 years as a federal agent, she retired and returned to college to pursue her dream of teaching in higher education. Professor Tafoya engenders critical thinking in her classrooms and emphasizes the ethical and lawful behavior of her criminal justice students.

Marcia Walsh-Aziz | Metropolitan State University of Denver
Marcia Walsh-Aziz has been an assistant professor in the Speech, Language, Hearing Science Department at MSU Denver since 2018. She serves on the College of Health and Applied Sciences’ Diversity and Inclusivity Committee and is a speech-language pathologist with expertise in working with deaf and hard of hearing children and their families.

Jessica Valdez | University of Colorado Denver
Jessica Valdez is pursuing a double major in Criminal Justice and Biology at CU Denver. Her future aspirations include getting her Master’s degree in Criminal Justice and pursuing a career in law enforcement as a police officer.
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