ACPD CAB Meeting Agendas and Minutes

ACPD CAB Meeting Agendas and Minutes

The next ACPD CAB meeting is scheduled for Friday, August 26, 2022.
In the interim, you can contact us by emailing

Auraria Campus Police Department Community Advisory Board (ACPD CAB) meetings take place in person in Tivoli 329 and via Zoom on Fridays, 12:30–1:45 p.m. unless otherwise noted. We welcome and encourage everyone to attend ACPD CAB meeings.

ATTEND In Person
Tivoli 329

Attend Remotely
You do not need a Zoom account to join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, or Android device. Click on Join Zoom Meeting or call in on one of the numbers provided below.
Join Zoom Meeting »
Zoom meeting ID: 910 9909 7252
Passcode: 078631
Or use one-tap mobile
+12532158782 91099097252# 
+13462487799 91099097252#
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Feel free to email the ACPD CAB directly with any questions or concerns |
*Please note this email goes to ACPD CAB members only, it is not to be used for official ACPD business.

ACPD CAB Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Meetings take place in person in Tivoli 329 and via Zoom on Fridays, 12:30–1:45 p.m.

*Archived meeting agendas and minutes are available on the ACPD CAB Meetings Archive webpage.


August 26 »

Recordings of ACPD CAB Meetings


Accessibility is important to us. To request an accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, please contact Cody Phelps and/or contact your institution’s accessibility office directly for assistance:

CCD Accessibility Center »
MSU Denver Access Center »
CU Denver Disability Resources and Services »

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Follow @cab2acpd on Instagram for the latest ACPD CAB news.

ACPD CAB Meeting Agendas and Minutes

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ACPD CAB Meeting Agendas and Minutes

About the Auraria Campus Police Department (ACPD) »
Daily Crime Log »

About the Auraria Campus Police Department Community Advisory Board (ACPD CAB) »
ACPD Members »
ACPD CAB Meeting Agendas and Minutes »
ACPD CAB Membership »
ACPD CAB Confidentiality »