Photography, Advertising, Videography and Drone Flight on Campus


Auraria Campus Event Services reviews and gives permission to campus organizations that submit requests to advertise or do photography/videography on campus. It is important to ensure that there aren’t other events scheduled during the reqeusted photo shoot times to avoid disruptions.

Student Filming and Photography Projects

Students attending the Community College of Denver, Metropolitan State University of Denver, or University of Colorado Denver may film on the Auraria Campus for purposes of academic credit to fulfill requirements of a class project assigned by a faculty member for a grade. Filming must not be disruptive, violate any other campus policies, inconvenience members of the campus community, or create a safety hazard.

Students are required to fill out the Permit Form and obtain the listed approvals before beginning a filming project. Email your completed form to Amber Cook.

Drone Flight for Filming or Survey

Drone flight requests should be submitted for consideration at least three (3) weeks prior to the date(s) you are requesting to film or survey. You must include a campus map with the flight zone clearly identified, and the drone operator’s flight credentials.