Parking Citation Fines
Type of Citation |
Fine |
Parked in a Restricted Area | $30 |
Parked in a Prohibited Area | $50 |
Overtime in Loading Zone | $30 |
Parked at an Expired Meter | $30 |
Parked Obstructing Traffic | $30 |
Failure to Pay | $30 |
Stopped in Fire Lane | $30 |
Evading Payment | $75 |
Parked in a Space for Persons with Disabilities | $150 |
Permit Affixed Improperly | $20 |
Fraudulent Use of Permit (counterfeiting, altering, etc.) | $200 |
Parked Using Two Spaces | $30 |
All citation fine amounts double if not paid within 45 days.
Citations not paid within 90 days are referred to the State of Colorado Central Collection Services for futher collection attempts; additional fees/interest will be applied.