K9 Program

Explosives Detection
The Auraria Campus Police Department (ACPD) provides enhanced safety and community policing services through the addition of a K9 Program for the Auraria Campus. Jet and his handler, ACPD Officer Yama Gafari, are the only K9 Unit for the campus, focusing on explosives detection.
Jet, a Rhodesian Ridgeback/Dudley Lab mix, is a highly trained explosives detection dog working in tandem with Officer Gafari. As a team, they conduct searches for a variety of explosive materials on campus. When the ACPD receives calls about suspicious packages or unattended backpacks, Jet and Officer Gafari respond and investigate. In addition, the team supports high-profile events that require protective sweeps.
Community Outreach
While Jet’s primary responsibility is explosives detection, he also loves to make new friends with students, faculty, and staff. If you see him on campus, please stop and visit with him. However, before calling his name or petting him, please confirm with Officer Gafari that Jet isn’t actively working.
About Jet
What’s Jet’s story?
Named after Tivoli Brewery’s vintage malt liquor, Jet lands on the Auraria Campus with an incredible amount of energy and drive to work. At three-and-a-half-years-old, he’s been trained for explosives detection, but he started his law enforcement career with search and rescue training. Officer Gafari and Jet have been through a comprehensive explosives detection training program through the Adams County Sheriff’s Police Canine Academy and will continue to attend training together to keep their skills sharp. Chosen from the Rocky Mountain Canine Academy for his drive and bravery, Jet doesn’t get intimidated or scared when he experiences stressful situations.
Favorite Toys and Activities
Jet’s favorite toy is a tennis ball. He absolutely loves to play fetch and tug.
His all-time favorite activity, however, is explosives detection. He receives a “special toy” when he locates an explosive odor. This “special toy” is a terry cloth towel that’s saturated with an explosive odor, then rolled up and tied with cotton string.
This “toy” is effective for training because dogs have an organ on top of their mouths that allows them to taste the odors they smell. Throughout the workday, Jet gets to play with this towel for a short period of time for each odor he finds. When his workday is over, he gets to shred one of these towels, which has by far become his favorite activity.
Best Trick
Jet’s best trick is locating explosives. He excels at finding a scent and following it to the source. After Jet locates the source, he’s trained to sit and wait until Officer Averill investigates.
Contact the K9 Unit
Yama Gafari | Police Officer | K9 Handler
303-556-5000 | yama.gafari@ahec.edu