Faculty Advisory Committee to the Auraria Board

Looking towards downtown Denver from in front of the Library

The Faculty Advisory Committee to the Auraria Board (FACAB) represents the faculty of the Community College of Denver (CCD), Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU Denver), and the University of Colorado Denver (CU Denver) and advises the Board about policies and issues affecting the faculty.

FACAB Meeting Agendas & Minutes »

2024–25 FACAB Board Members

Michael B. Jacobs
Associate Professor, Chemistry, Biochemistry 
Metropolitan State University of Denver

Zsuzsa Balogh
Professor, Director of CET & CPM
Metropolitan State University of Denver

Adam Glick
Department Chair & Professor, Communication & Journalism
Community College of Denver

Mark Broyles
Department Chair & Associate Professor, Architectural Technology
Community College of Denver

Jody Beck
Associate Professor and Chair of the Landscape Architecture Department
University of Colorado Denver

Diana White
Associate Professor, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences & Auraria Board of Directors Representative
University of Colorado Denver

Committee Purpose

The purpose of FACAB is to represent the faculty at the Community College of Denver, Metropolitan State University of Denver, and the University of Colorado Denver, and to advise the Board about policies and issues affecting the faculty.

FACAB is a primary conduit of communication between the Board, the Auraria Campus CEO, and the faculty.

One member of FACAB will be a regular, non-voting member of the Board with membership to rotate between CCD, MSU Denver, and CU Denver.

FACAB is governed by bylaws, which are submitted to and approved by the Board.

FACAB Composition 

FACAB consists of two elected, regular, full-time faculty members from each of the three institutions (CCD, MSU Denver, CU Denver).  FACAB members serve for a two-year term.

Each institution will determine the method by which its FACAB members are elected and will be responsible for filling mid-term vacancies.

FACAB Functions & Responsibilities

  • Meet monthly during the regular academic term.
  • Ensure the orderly and fair rotation of the chair position.
  • Keep current with those Auraria Campus policies, events, and issues likely to impact the faculty and students on the Auraria Campus.
  • Endeavor to solicit broad input from the faculty of the three institutions regarding their concerns as to Auraria Campus policies, the condition and management of campus facilities, and any and all issues that affect the academic mission and quality of life on the Auraria Campus.
  • Keep their faculty informed of ongoing Auraria Campus initiatives and concerns.
  • Communicate faculty concerns to the Auraria Board and/or relevant Auraria Campus offices and administrators.
  • Collectively ensure that the chair or other designated representative attend board and subcommittee meetings on a regular basis.
  • Ensure that vacant FACAB positions are filled in a timely fashion.

We Want To Hear From You

We value your input. Please email us with any comments, suggestions, or questions.