Request A Ride Along

You may submit a request for a ride along with an Auraria Campus Police Officer or Neighborhood Community Officer. Please make your request at least 72 hours in advance. When you go on a ride along, you’ll accompany an Auraria Campus Police Officer or Neighborhood Community Officer during their normal duties. Officers will respond to calls for service. In the event of an emergency, you must immediately and without question comply with all orders and directions given to you by officers. Ride alongs are limited to 4 hours.
- You must dress appropriately in business attire
- You must sign a release
- You must have a valid driver’s license
- No weapons, recording devices, flashlights and scanners are allowed on the ride along
- You may only participate as a rider once every six months
- An officer may terminate your ride at any time if you are unruly, fail to obey instructions or distract the officer
Interested in requesting a ride along? Please download the Ride Along Reqest Form and drop off your completed form in-person to the ACPD Station in the Administration Buiding. *You must present a valid form of government issued ID when you submit your request.
Administration Building | 1201 5th Street, Suite 110
Campus Box E, PO Box 173361
Denver, CO 80217