Parking Citations (Payments & Appeals)

Pay a Parking Citation
If you received a parking citation, please read this page thoroughly. Payments must be made within 45 days of the citation or the fine amount will double.
Payments can be made in three ways:
- Online »
- U.S. Mail
Parking & Transportation Services
Campus Box M, PO Box 173361
Denver, CO 80217
- In person at the Parking & Transportation Services Office
7th Street Garage at the corner of 8th & Lawrence
777 Lawrence Way, 1st Floor
Acceptable payment methods include credit card, check, or cash.
For more information, please read our Parking Rules and Regulations »
Appeal a Parking Citation
To contest a parking citation, please submit an appeal within 45 days of receiving a citation. Appeals are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by a Parking Appeals Referee. Please allow up to 4 weeks for us to process your appeal.
The results will be sent to you via the email address you provide on your appeal, unless you indicate that you would prefer to receive the results via U.S. mail. Please also keep in mind this email could be routed to your “junk” folder, so remember to check there if you haven’t received a response.
What do I need to appeal a citation?
- A valid reason for your appeal
- Proof of payment, which includes the payment date and time (e.g., a photo of your parking receipt, pay-by-cell screenshot, validation, or reciprocal permit)
Be aware that the following arguments are unlikely to result in a successful appeal:
- I don’t agree with or don’t know the regulations
- I couldn’t find a space in my usual parking lot/garage
- I have been parking this way for a long time and have never received a citation until now
- Other people were parked this way
- I was late for a class/meeting or my class/meeting ran late
- I can’t afford to pay the fine
- Someone told me it was okay to park there
- I was only in violation for a short time
- Someone else was driving my car that day
- I didn’t see the sign
- I forgot to pay
Contact Us
Office Hours of Operation
Monday – Thursday: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Wednesday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Friday: 7 a.m. – Noon
Saturday – Sunday: Closed
Parking and Transportation Office
777 Lawrence Way, 1st Floor
Denver, CO 80204
Main: 303-556-2003