Student Advisory Committee to the Auraria Board
The Student Advisory Committee to the Auraria Board (SACAB) is comprised of student representatives elected from all three institutions on campus: the Community College of Denver (CCD), Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU Denver), and the University of Colorado Denver (CU Denver).
Follow SACAB on Instagram: @AurariaSACAB

2023–24 SACAB Representatives
Name | Committee/Responsibility | Institution |
Mitchell Mauro | SACAB Chair, Campus Planning Committee Chair | CU Denver |
Gabriel Trujillo | ABOD Representative, Policy Subcommittee Chair, Sustainability Committee Interim Chair | MSU Denver |
Kristin Nergaar | Student Affairs Subcommittee Chair | MSU Denver |
Jennifer Martinez Gomez | Interim SACAB Representative | CU Denver |
VACANT | SACAB Representative | CCD |
VACANT | SACAB Representative | CCD |
SACAB Mission
The Student Advisory Committee to the Auraria Board endeavors to support a quality educational experience by:
- providing a balanced representation of all campus individuals and their constituent academic institutions,
- planning for the present and future campus environment,
- maintaining and enhancing equitable campus-wide practices,
- committing to open communication and mutual cooperation among all parties involved with the Auraria Campus.
SACAB Meetings
SACAB Meetings are held every First and Third Tuesday of the month at 4:30pm in person and via zoom. You do not need a Zoom account to join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, or Android Device. Click on the link below to join the meeting:
Meeting ID 834 7107 0509
One tap mobile
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Meeting ID: 831 6674 9033
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If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact the SACAB office: 303-556-4589 |
SACAB Subcommittees
SACAB subcommittees guide the development and direction of many integral student services throughout the campus. Subcommittees represent the opinions and interests of the students, faculty, administration, and staff of CCD, MSU Denver, CU Denver, and AHEC. SACAB subcommittees include:
- Sustainable Campus Program Advisory Committee (SCPAC)
- The Student Affairs Advisory Subcommittee
- Policy Subcommittee
- Master Plan Subcommittee (ad hoc)
General areas of responsibility for each subcommittee include the review and recommendation for approval of:
- policies and/or guidelines;
- design, construction, and maintenance of the facilities;
- special financial requests; and
- fee structures and related charges.
SACAB also establishes and appoints ad-hoc subcommittees as needed.
None at this time
Contact SACAB
We Want To Hear From You
We value your input. Your comments, suggestions, and/or questions are always welcome.
Tivoli Student Union, Suite 314
(Campus Box TIV-1)
900 Auraria Parkway | Denver, CO 80204
By appointment: or 303-556-4589