Golda Meir House Museum In The News

Governor Polis presents a certificate of gratitude to honorees who saved the Golda Meir House.

The Golda Meir House Museum appreciates media coverage to help us spread the word out about our little gem on the Auraria Campus! Feel free to reach out with questions or to schedule a tour of the museum.

« Governor Jared Polis presented the Golda Meir House Museum honorees with a plaque in appreciation for their efforts to save the home at the Golda Meir House Museum Celebration on January 10, 2022. The plaque is on permanent display at the Golda Meir House Museum.

Contact Us

Golda Meir House Museum
1146 9th Street
Denver, CO 80204

Lena Fishman
Executive Director of the Golda Meir House Museum

Phone: 303-556-3291