AHEC Snow Removal Process

AHEC Snow Removal Process


AHEC is responsible for the removal of snow inside the 150-acres that spans:

  • From the Athletic Assembly Complex (AAC),
  • Along West Colfax Ave. to Speer Blvd.
  • Speer Blvd. to Auraria Parkway
  • Along I-25 to AAC.
  • Snow removal is also facilitated at two RTD Light Rail stations (Colfax at Auraria and Auraria West Station.

AHEC has been certified as StormReady by the National Weather Service (NWS) and utilizes NWS technology to help determine snowfall as accurately as possible. StormReady certified communities are better prepared to save lives from the onslaught of severe weather through advanced planning, education and awareness.

To be officially Storm Ready, a community must:

  • Establish a 24-hour warning point and emergency operation center.
  • Have more than one way to receive severe weather warnings and forecasts and to alert the public.
  • Create a system that monitors weather conditions locally.
  • Promote the importance of public readiness through community seminars.
  • Develop a formal hazardous weather plan, which includes training severe weather spotter and holding emergency exercises.


As storms approach conversations are held to determine a best course of action to delay the opening of campus, close completely or close early:

  • Delayed start is discussed when accumulation totals are expected to at least six inches and it’s not safe to operate snow machinery with students, faculty and staff on campus.
  • Complete closure is considered When accumulation reaches eight inches closure talks begin because removal is more efficient with an empty campus.
  • Early closure is discussed when the late afternoon/ evening commute will be greatly affected by incoming weather, potentially making it unsafe for members of our community to depart campus in the evening.

Representatives on the call include:

  • AHEC
    • Executive team
    • Facilities team
    • Communications team
  • Representatives from:
    • CU Denver, MSU Denver and CCD

Outdoor temperature is also factored in as and part of the conversation around:

  • Is it safe for students, faculty, staff, and facilities staff to be outside on campus.
    • When wind chills are below zero (i.e. -20 degrees wind chills have potential frostbite and exposure issues that are a threat)

Commute safety is also considered-for ALL students, faculty, and staff.


  • Contractors are contacted the evening before snowfall and are typically onsite between 2- 4 a.m.
  • A combination of plows, hand shovels, broom and occasionally larger equipment is used for snow removal.
  • Two main three-foot initial paths (the width of broom and plows) are created.
    • Path one runs west to east across campus from Auraria West RTD Light Rail and down Lawrence Way to Speer Blvd
    • Path two runs south to north across campus from Colfax at Auraria RTD Light Rail station, along 10th St. to the Tivoli Quad and Tivoli Parking Garage. 
  • After main paths are created, extension paths are created and cleared.
    • This process can take up to two days.


Please keep in mind that product is not used if it’s actively snowing.

Ice Slicer-

  • 50% crushed pea gravel, 40% sand, 10% pure magnesium chloride.
  • Used for grip and traction on sidewalks and in parking lots.
  • Product CDOT uses to treat roads.

Ice Melt

  • Used on entry ways and stairs.

MeltDown Apex

  • Applied by hand pump stream pattern.
  • Liquid anti-icing and deicing product magnesium chloride-organic base.
    • More gentle on concrete and grass.


  • Wear rubber soled snow boots (avoid athletic shoes)
  • Pay attention to where you’re walking.
  • Don’t be distracted by mobile devices.
  • Do not ride scooters.
  • Do not ride bicycles; dismount your bicycle and walk it across campus.
  • Allow yourself more time to safely get to where you’re going on campus.
  • Look for the sheen on black ice.

If you spot black ice, please report the location to:

Main Number
7:30 a.m. – 5p.m.| Mon. – Fri.

After Hours Emergency
5 p.m. – 7:30 a.m.| Mon. – Fri. (all holidays and weekends)