Secured Campus Initiative


OVERVIEW (Updated Oct. 12, 2023)

To prioritize the safety and wellbeing of employees, students, and other members of the campus community, AHEC instituted a secured campus as of Oct. 2, 2023. Most buildings are now secured and require campus ID badge to access the building.

All campus students, staff and faculty need to make sure they have a Campus ID badge and that it is activated. Everyone with an activated campus ID badge can access campus buildings on this schedule.

To obtain a campus ID badge please visit the ID Station in the Tivoli Student Union; see details about hours in the FAQ below.

If you have a campus ID badge but it isn’t working, you may need to activate it. To activate your campus ID badge follow these steps:

  1. Go to any exterior door card reader
  2. Call AHEC Access Control (303-556-4296) during business hours, Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
  3. When prompted by an Access Control representative, swipe your Campus ID badge on the card reader to activate.

CARD READER ACCESS MAP (Click the map to enlarge)

Secured Campus Initiative

All students, staff and faculty will have campus ID badge access during building hours. Most classroom buildings will be accessible via ID badge between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday through Friday with additional hours on the weekends. Please see AHEC’s website for detailed building hours. Anyone needing access outside of these hours will need permission from their department.


Why is the Auraria Secured Campus Initiative being activated?

A more intentional approach to building access is being enacted based on the recommendation of an external security consultant following a campus safety assessment. Safety is our top priority. As a thriving, urban campus, AHEC is committed to evolving its practices to support long term campus security.

The summer pilot programs were found to be effective, well-received and were successful in helping faculty, staff and students feel safer on campus and did not result in any unforeseen issues in accessibility.

How do I obtain a valid campus ID badge?

Please visit the Campus ID Badge Station located in the Tivoli Student Union #269

Listed below are the regular ID Station hours that will resume on Monday, Oct. 9:

  • Mon. – Thurs.                  8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  • Friday                                 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
  • Sat. & Sun                         CLOSED

*To reduce wait times and long lines, it is recommended you obtain your campus ID badge during slower hours at Campus ID Badge Station, recommended times are 60 – 90 minutes at opening and 60 – 90 minutes before closing.

Employees must provide a government-issued ID and a document or email from HR or a completed ID Authorization/Charge Form.

Call 303-556-8352 or email for more details.

Please know that we are willing to accommodate the institutions with any special badging events within reason (i.e., after business hours or on weekends)

When the campus moves to a secure building model in phase 3 on Oct. 2 what buildings will remain open for public access?

Tivoli Student Union and the Auraria Library will be open for public access – see building hours HERE.

Prospective students and guests will still be able to access Confluence and JSSB through the main front entrance.

Other buildings like Emmanuel Art Gallery, PE/Events and King Center will be open for events.

What if I forget or do not have my campus ID badge when accessing secured buildings?

Beginning in Phase 3-Secure, you must have an active campus ID badge to access fully secured buildings.

If someone forgets their campus ID badge, are you allowed to let them in the building as a campus ID badge holder?

For safety purposes, do not let any unbadged individuals that you do not recognize and are not familiar with, access to any building on Auraria Campus.

What if I lose my campus ID badge?

Please visit the Campus ID Badge Station located in the Tivoli Student Union #269 to immediately replace your campus ID badge.

What if my campus ID badge isn’t working at a building badge reader?

Please contact AHEC Control Access at 303-556-4296 to correct the error.

What if I’m expecting a visitor to campus who needs building access?

All faculty and staff are responsible for allowing access to buildings and escorting visitors on the Auraria Campus. A longer-term contractor or guest can be given a contractor/visitor Campus ID Badge. Please contact your institution for more information.

What if I am an off-campus visitor here to meet with someone?

You should contact the person you are here to visit directly to get access. Directories for each instituton can be found HERE.

What about my recurring deliveries?

Please provide a phone number to anyone responsible for recurring delivery services and be prepared to meet them at the exterior entrance.

I am an instructor/professor, how can I help my students be prepared?

During the first six weeks of the semester, please ask your students to show their campus ID badge and encourage them to exchange phone numbers with a classmate in the chance that they may need access to the classroom at some point.

For additional questions on the Auraria Secure Campus Initiative please email:

AHEC is grateful for the many efforts that help ensure that we are a safe and welcoming campus community.

Thank you.

AHEC Executive Office