Visitor Parking Resources

Did you know the Auraria Campus offers over 6,000 parking spaces open to the public in covered garages and surface lots, right in the heart of downtown Denver? It’s just steps away from exciting concert venues, downtown sporting events, nightlife, and great dining. Consider parking on the Auraria Campus and enjoy convenient access to downtown Denver for less than most parking options.

Quick Links

The Parking and Transportation Services website is a convenient resource to manage many of your campus parking needs quickly and efficiently online.  

Daily Parking Prices

Parking LotsMon-Thu before 5 p.m.Evenings and Weekends*
Parking Garages
5th Street Garage$6.50$20.00
7th Street Garage$8.00$20.00
Tivoli Garage$8.00$25.00

*Monday-Thursday after 5 p.m. and all day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

How to Park on Campus

Payment for parking on campus is required 24/7, 365 days a year as soon as you park your vehicle.

Pay With Cell Phone on ParkMobile (Recommended)

You can use your cell phone to make payments for daily parking. Download and pay using the ParkMobile app 

Pay-By-License Plate

The 5th Street Garage, Tivoli Parking Garage, and all surface lots use pay-by-license plate machines. Simply enter your license plate number and form of payment (cash or debit/credit) at the pay station. The receipt may be kept for your records; however, it does not need to be displayed on your dashboard.


Parking & Transportation - Students walking on campus

Accessible Parking

Accessible parking is available in nearly all lots on the Auraria Campus. Parking spaces are marked and reserved for vehicles that have a state-issued hangtag. See requirements below: 

  • Permit lots and spaces: an Auraria Campus-issued permit is required
  • Daily-fee lots and garages: a state-issued hangtag for persons with disabilities is required

All accessible parking on campus follows the standard Auraria Campus fee schedule. Daily-fee lots require payment at the time of parking.

State-issued blue disability placards and disability license plates are not exempt from payment at Auraria Campus parking meters.

Pay a Parking Citation

If you received a parking citation, please read this page thoroughly. Payments must be made within 45 days of the citation or the fine amount will double.

Payments can be made in three ways:

  1. Online »
  2. U.S. Mail
    Parking & Transportation Services
    Campus Box M, PO Box 173361
    Denver, CO 80217
  3. In person at the Parking & Transportation Services office
    7th Street Garage at the corner of 8th & Lawrence
    777 Lawrence Way, 1st Floor

Acceptable payment methods include credit card, check, or cash.

For more information, please read our Parking Rules and Regulations »

Parking & Transportation - Church with flags in the front
Parking & Transportation - Cars parked in parking lot with city view

Appeal a Parking Citation

To contest a parking citation, please submit an appeal within 45 days of receiving a citation. Appeals are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by a Parking Appeals Referee.

Please note: the results will be sent to you via the email address you provide on your appeal, unless you indicate that you would prefer to receive the results via U.S. mail. Please also keep in mind this email could be routed to your “junk” folder, so remember to check there if you haven’t received a response.

What do I need to appeal a citation?

  • A valid reason for your appeal
  • Proof of payment, which includes the payment date and time (e.g., a photo of your parking receipt, pay-by-cell screenshot, validation, or reciprocal permit)

Be aware that the following arguments are unlikely to result in a successful appeal:

  • I don’t agree with or don’t know the regulations
  • I couldn’t find a space in my usual parking lot/garage
  • I have been parking this way for a long time and have never received a citation until now
  • Other people were parked this way
  • I was late for a class/meeting or my class/meeting ran late
  • I can’t afford to pay the fine
  • Someone told me it was okay to park there
  • I was only in violation for a short time
  • Someone else was driving my car that day
  • I didn’t see the sign
  • I forgot to pay

If you have a valid reason to appeal a citation and can provide proof of payment:

  • You may continue to the Parking Portal to make an appeal.
  • Please allow up to 4 weeks for us to process your appeal.

Parking Citation Fines

Type of CitationFine
Parked in a Restricted Area$30
Parked in a Prohibited Area$50
Overtime in Loading Zone$30
Parked at an Expired Meter$30
Parked Obstructing Traffic$30
Failure to Pay$30
Stopped in Fire Lane$30
Evading Payment $75
Parked in a Space for Persons with Disabilities$150
Permit Affixed Improperly $20
Fraudulent Use of Permit (counterfeiting, altering, etc.)$200
Parked Using Two Spaces$30

All citation fine amounts double if not paid within 45 days. 
Citations not paid within 90 days are referred to the State of Colorado Central Collection Services for further collection attempts; additional fees/interest will be applied.

Metered Parking

  • Payment is required 24/7, 365 days a year, immediately upon parking.
  • Parking meters on the Auraria Campus are intended for short-term parking.
  • Parking meters can be paid via the ParkMobile app, by visiting, or by calling 877-727-5951.
  • Parking permits and passports issued by Auraria Campus are not acceptable forms of parking meter payment.
  • State-issued blue disability placards and disability license plates are not exempt from payment at Auraria Campus parking meters.

Motorcycle Parking

  • Motorcycle-designated spaces are available in the 5th Street Garage and Tivoli Parking Garage. 

Overnight Parking

  • Overnight parking is prohibited without prior approval from the Parking & Transportation Services Office. Please call 303-556-2003 for more information. 
  • If a vehicle is left overnight due to an emergency, please call Parking Services Dispatch at 303-556-2000.
  • Vehicles that remain in garages after closing may be retrieved by contacting the Auraria Campus Police Department at 303-556-5000.

Shuttles & Motorist Assistance

Parking & Transportation Services offers many transportation programs to make getting around campus easy and safe.

If you’re on campus after the sun goes down, a safe ride to your car is available. Please call or text the Auraria Campus Police Department and they will send an officer to escort you to your vehicle or to your destination within the boundaries of campus. 

Call ACPD Dispatch: 303-556-5000
Text ACPD: 720-593-8477 

Motorist Assistance Program

Parking & Transportation Services offers a free-of-charge Motorist Assistance Program for customers who have vehicle issues while on campus. Call for help to:

  • Jump-start batteries
  • Provide jumper cables, tire tools, water, and gasoline cans

Call for help: 303-556-2000

Campus Accessible Shuttle

The Campus Accessible Shuttle service is a transportation program for persons with disabilities who need a ride to and from the designated stops within the boundaries of campus and to CU Denver buildings located across Speer Boulevard.

Please note that riders must be at the designated stop they’ve requested. As well, service will only be made to the designated locations on the map; special requests for stops are not possible.

Hours Available

  • Call 303-556-2001 Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.
  • Call 303-556-5000 after 6 p.m. to schedule a campus safety ride with ACPD

Register for the Campus Accessible Shuttle Service

Students: Please register with your respective disability services office. Once registered, you will receive a validation sticker to place on your campus ID for use when boarding the shuttle.

Faculty, staff, visitors, and those with temporary disabilities: Contact Parking & Transportation Services for ID validation. Please call 303-556-2003 or stop by the Parking & Transportation Services office (located at the intersection of 7th Street and Lawrence Way in the 7th Street Garage).

View the Accessible Map for Shuttle route stops »

Contact Us

Office Hours of Operation

Monday – Thursday: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Wednesday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Friday: 7 a.m. – Noon

Saturday – Sunday: Closed