Food Service Advisory Committee

Purpose and Role 

The Food Service Advisory Committee (FSAC) is a sub-committee of the Student Advisory Committee to the Auraria Board (SACAB).

FSAC represents the opinions and interests of the students, faculty, administration and staff of the three institutions, (Community College of Denver, Metropolitan State University of Denver, and the University of Colorado, Denver) and the Auraria Higher Education Center (AHEC) in matters pertaining to the foodservice contractors and vendors. Additionally, FSAC oversees matters pertaining to the dispersed lounges in shared buildings on the Auraria Campus.


FSAC is composed of four voting members and a variable number of ex-officio and non-voting members. 

Voting members:

  • one student from CCD
  • one student from MSU Denver
  • one student from CU Denver
  • one student representative from SACAB who serves as chair (and votes only in the event of a tie)

Ex-officio members:

  • one administrative representative from CCD
  • one administrative representative from MSU Denver
  • one administrative representative from CU Denver
  • one administrative representative from AHEC

2021 Meeting Schedule

FSAC will meet via Zoom on Friday, January 29, 2021.

Join the meeting via Zoom

Meeting ID: 980 5468 0321 
Passcode: 388443 
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Meeting ID: 980 5468 0321 
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Meeting ID: 980 5468 0321 
Passcode: 388443 

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Food Service Advisory Committee