2019 Timely Warning Archive
In compliance with the “Timely Notice” provisions of the Federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, the Auraria Higher Education Center located in downtown Denver is issuing the following notice of a crime that occurred on or adjacent to the Auraria Campus.
Timely Warning #8-2019
UPDATE | Thursday, September 26, 2019
The suspect involved in this investigation was identified and arested by the Auraria Campus Police Department on Thursday, September, 26, 2019; charges are pending.
REPORTED OFFENSE: Auraria Campus Police are investigating a fondling that occurred at approximately 4:45 p.m. on Wednesday, September 25, 2019. The suspect approached the victim on the second floor of the Cherry Creek Building; asking about discussing God. The victim spoke to the suspect briefly. As the victim was leaving they were hugged and groped by the suspect. Police are reviewing video of the area in an attempt to identify the suspect. A map showing the location of the alleged crime can be found here.
SUSPECT: The suspect is described as a black male, approximately 5’8’’ in height, having a tattoo near his right eye, and tattoos on his hands. He was reportedly wearing a plaid shirt, was wearing black glasses, and carrying a backpack with a red base.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Timely Warning #7-2019
REPORTED OFFENSE: Today while investigating a reported theft the Auraria Campus Police discovered evidence of a burglary & arson that occurred on the third floor of the Plaza Building between 8:40 pm & 11:22 pm on Tuesday, August 13, 2019. A map showing the location of the alleged crime can be found here.
SUSPECT: The suspect is described as a white male with a beard. The suspect is approximately 5’ 02” in height weighing approximately 140 lbs., wearing shorts and a t-shirt.
These images of the suspect are from the time of the crime and earlier in the day.

Saturday, April 27, 2019
Timely Warning #6-2019
REPORTED OFFENSE: On Saturday, April 27, 2019 at 0917 hours, a Text-A-Tip alert was sent to the Auraria Police Dispatch advising that a robbery with a gun had occurred near “in the area of 15th and Lawrence”. According to the Text-A-Tip reporting party, the suspect was described as a black male wearing all black clothing with potential gang affiliation and was last seen heading Westbound from 15th and Lawrence. The reporting party would not verify if they were the victim of the crime or a witness to the crime and would not confirm if they wanted officer contact. Officers responded to the area and checked all surrounding areas of 15th and Lawrence in addition to the east side of campus and the Auraria Library. All areas were clear and the party was deemed gone on arrival. ACPD Dispatch was unable to locate any video footage of a subject that matches the given description in the given time frame. The Denver Police Department has not received any reports about this alleged incident.
SUSPECT: The suspect was described as a black male wearing all black clothing with potential gang affiliation, and was last seen heading westbound from 15th and Lawrence. ACPD Dispatch was unable to locate any video footage of a subject that matches the given description in the given time frame. Auraria Campus Police continues to investigate.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Timely Warning #5-2019
REPORTED OFFENSE: Auraria Campus Police are investigating an aggravated assault that occurred at approximately 6:30 PM on Thursday, April 18, 2019. It occurred in the PE/Events Center. A basketball tournament was taking place, with participants unrelated to the campus. The suspect (a parent of one of the players) physically assaulted a coach and pulled a knife on them. The suspect then left the campus. A map showing the location of the alleged crime can be found here.
SUSPECTS: The suspect is James Abbey, a male, described as white in race, 6’4”, 220 lbs, wearing a blue ball cap with braids in his hair and wearing a black hoodie, black pants, and white shoes. He was driving a white Cadillac Escalade. Auraria Campus Police continues to investigate.
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Timely Warning #4-2019
REPORTED OFFENSE: Auraria Campus Police are investigating an aggravated assault that occurred at approximately 9:04 PM on Tuesday, March 19, 2019. It occurred in the Holly parking lot, near 8th Street and Curtis Street. The suspect physically assaulted a family member. No weapons were used. It appears that this involved people who were not affiliated with the Auraria Campus community, but rather individuals who were passing through the campus. A map showing the location of the alleged crime can be found here.
SUSPECT: The suspect is a male, approximately 41 years of age. He is described as 5’10”, 175 lbs, with black hair and brown eyes. He was driving a red Toyota Tundra (pictured here) with Texas license plates. Both Auraria Campus Police and Denver Police continue to investigate.
Thursday, March 7, 2019
Timely Warning #3-2019
REPORTED OFFENSE: Auraria Campus Police are investigating an aggravated assault that occurred at approximately 11:38 AM on Thursday, March 7, 2019. It occurred in the dining area on the first floor of the Student Commons Building, near the Qdoba restaurant. The suspect was on the second floor atrium and threw a chair down to the first floor, injuring two. The suspect fled the building heading toward downtown. A map showing the location of the alleged crime can be found here.
SUSPECT: Based upon camera footage and witness reports, the suspect is described as a black male, 18-22 years in age. He is described as tall and skinny and was wearing all dark clothing and shoes, including a knitted cap. He was carrying a light green or blue backpack. Auraria Campus Police searched the area for the suspect, and are reviewing additional video footage of the area. They are also interviewing a large number of witnesses.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Timely Warning #2-2019
REPORTED OFFENSE: Auraria Campus Police are investigating a burglary that occurred this evening on Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at approximately 5:30 PM. It occurred in an office in the West Classroom building. The suspect was interrupted during the burglary and fled the scene. They were last seen heading toward downtown past the Science Building. A map showing the location of the alleged crime can be found here.
SUSPECT: Based upon camera footage and witness reports, the suspect is described as a white or Hispanic male, 50-60 years in age. He is approximately 5’4” and was wearing blue jeans and a blue jacket with an orange hood. He was carrying a grocery bag. Auraria Campus Police searched the area for the suspect, and are reviewing additional video footage of the area. A photo of the suspect can be found here.
Friday, March 1, 2019
Timely Warning #1-2019
REPORTED OFFENSE: Auraria Campus Police are investigating a burglary that occurred on Friday, March 1, 2019 at approximately 5:12 AM. It occurred at the Los Molinos at Auraria restaurant at the corner of 9th Street and Curtis Street. The suspect entered the business through the front door and took the cash in the register. While the business had an alarm, the suspect fled before police arrived on the scene. A map showing the location of the alleged crime can be found here.
SUSPECT: Based upon camera footage, the suspect is described as a white male, early-to-mid 20’s in age. He was wearing green pants, a blue long-sleeve shirt, and was carrying a white bag. Auraria Campus Police searched the area for the suspect, and are reviewing additional video footage of the area.
If you or someone you know has any information that might be helpful in this investigation, please contact the Auraria Campus Police Department.
• Call: 303-556-5000
• Text-a-Tip: 720-593-TIPS (8477)
• Visit in person: 1201 5th Street, Administration Building, Room 110
• Call with an anonymous tip: 303-556-2677
Crime survivors are not responsible for their victimization; perpetrators are accountable for their crimes and the outcomes of their actions. The following safety information may help reduce the possibility of becoming a victim of a crime.
• Program your phone: Download and save the Auraria Campus Police Department’s digital business card (vCard) to your phone to have the numbers readily available in the event of an emergency: Dispatch: 303-556-5000, Text-a-Tip: 720-593-TIPS (8477).
• Trust your instincts: If you suspect something is wrong, or if a situation seems dangerous, you’re probably right. Immediately call the Auraria Campus Police Department from any campus phone by dialing 911 or from a cell phone by dialing 303-556-5000. You may also “Text-a-Tip” to the Auraria Campus Police Department at 720-593-TIPS (8477).
• Blue light emergency telephones: Be aware of the blue light emergency telephones in parking lots and walkways throughout campus. Use these telephones to be immediately connected with the Auraria Campus Police Department.
• Bystanders: Be aware of your surroundings. If you see a person in distress, seek immediate help from the Auraria Campus Police Department.
More safety tips from the Auraria Campus Police Department: aurariacampus.edu/safetytips
• Phoenix Center at Auraria (PCA): Free and confidential assistance to survivors of interpersonal violence.
24/7 Helpline: 303-556-CALL (2255)
• Health Center at Auraria – Victim Assistance Program: Support and resources for survivors of interpersonal violence.
• NightRider Service: A safe evening shuttle service to and from campus buildings and parking lots.
• Victim Assistance Unit (DPD): Support, info, and referrals for victims of crime, witnesses, and/or their families.
• The Blue Bench (formerly RAAP): A sexual assault hotline and resources for the metropolitan Denver area.
Please note: Timely Warnings are advisories distributed via email and will not include a text message version. Auraria Campus Emergency Notification System text messages are reserved for active emergencies.