ACPD Annual Report

The Auraria Campus Police Department (ACPD) is charged with the primary responsibility of providing police and security services to the Auraria Campus, which houses the Community College of Denver (CCD), Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU Denver), and University of Colorado Denver (CU Denver). The ACPD is committed to enhancing the quality of life on the Auraria Campus for the students, faculty, and staff it serves. Although located in an urban environment, the Auraria Campus has one of the lowest campus crime rates in Colorado. The ACPD is a full-service police department, operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. As of August 25, 2023, the ACPD employs 31 sworn officers, 12 neighborhood community officers (non-sworn), eight administrative staff including dispatch, one emergency management staff member, one social worker and one Canine (K-9) Unit. ACPD officers patrol the 150-acre campus in SUVs, cars, hybrid patrol vehicles, on electric motorcycles and bicycles, and on foot. The Auraria Campus is defined by those properties, private streets, retail operations, and facilities owned by the State of Colorado and used by students, staff, faculty, and visitors, which are roughly bounded by Auraria Parkway, Speer Boulevard, and Colfax Avenue, and includes the Regency Athletic Complex and Lynx’s Crossing apartments. 

Review the 2021–2022 ACPD Annual Report to learn more.

ACPD Annual Report

2021–2022 ACPD Annual Report » 

Archived ACPD Annual Reports

2020–2021 ACPD Annual Report »  

2019–2020 ACPD Annual Report » 

ACPD Annual Report

About the Auraria Campus Police Department (ACPD) »
Daily Crime Log »

About the Auraria Campus Police Department Community Advisory Board (ACPD CAB) »
ACPD Members »
ACPD CAB Meeting Agendas and Minutes »
ACPD CAB Membership »
ACPD CAB Confidentiality »